The Lifecycle Range
A range of certified organic protein mineral supplements to maximise performance throughout the lifecycle of your animals.
The Aus Organic’s Lifecycle Mineral Protein Range has been designed to provide critical nutrients (protein, energy, minerals, and vitamins) for ruminants in marginal to potentially deficient paddocks.
Strategic supplements of nutrients have a dramatic effect on animal production.
Min Pro Maximise
Our newest product is MinPro Maximise, developed in collaboration with well renowned animal nutritionist Dr John Doyle of Integrated Animal Production, is formulated to prevent subclinical mineral deficiencies that often go unnoticed, or only show up in low calving or lambing rates.
MinPro Maximise provides Macro elements (calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium and chloride) and Micro elements (cobalt, copper, iodine, manganese, zinc and selenium) to support female cattle and sheep throughout their growth stage to breeding age, pregnancy, and beyond. This also supports the foetal development and growth in their offspring, because if the cow’s not getting it neither is the calf!
Animals do not need to consume large quantities of minerals to gain benefits, thus the low cost per head means MinPro Maximise is the best supplement strategy is to ensure adequate nutrition all year round.
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MinPro 300, MinPro 500, MinPro 1000 and FeedPro
These products provide critical nutrients, soluble nitrogen, and by-pass protein to prevent protein, glucose, mineral, and vitamin deficiencies in ruminants. While MinPro Maximise focuses on minerals that play key roles in subclinical (or silent) deficiencies, other products in the Lifecycle Range provide vitamin A, vitamin D3 and vitamin E, and various levels of protein, in addition to trace minerals.
MinPro 300, MinPro 500, MinPro 1000 and FeedPro are formulated to supply the necessary elements to the rumen microbes, enabling them to function properly when digesting dry pasture. The level of protein required, and the product you choose from the range, will depend on existing pasture quality and the biological needs of the animal, given its stage in the Lifecycle. The “by-pass” protein is glucogenic and therefore has the capacity to provide much needed glucose to keep the animals in a positive physiological balance, as well as supplying essential amino acids for growth and lactation.
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MinPro Maximise
MinPro Maximise is designed to provide key macro and micro minerals for female cattle and sheep throughout their growth stage to breeding age, pregnancy, and beyond. This also supports the foetal development and growth in their offspring.
MinPro Maximise supplies Macroelements (calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, and chloride) and Microelements (cobalt, copper, iodine, manganese, zinc, and selenium), preventing marginal to detectable mineral deficiencies in your cattle and sheep.
We liken the importance of these elements to that of a gearbox: every gear, no matter how large or small, plays a critical role in the maintenance and reproduction systems of your animals.
Developed in conjunction with Dr John Doyle of Integrated Animal Production, The MinPro Maximise formula is based on mineral trial data conducted by his research on Edwards and McCulloch Stations, Texas, USA.
Benefits included:
- Increase in calf weaning weight (7.6%)
- Decrease in days to conception (42 down to 22)
- Increase in cows’ body condition score
Recommended Intake: 100-150g per head per day (annual average, dependent on season).
MinPro Boost 1000
MinPro Boost 1000 is designed to provide ruminants with a boost at a critical time of their Lifecycle, from the 3rd trimester, through calving, lactation and recovery to joining weight.
It has 32% protein and is palatable for stock with access to reasonable pasture.
Recommended Intake: 1kg per day. Suitable for cattle, sheep and goats.
MinPro Grow 500
MinPro Grow 500 is designed for the critical growth stages following the weaning process: achieving mating weight and during the 1st & 2nd trimesters of pregnancy.
It has 25% protein, with moderate palatability for stock with access to reasonable pasture.
Recommended Intake: 500grams per day. Suitable for cattle, sheep and goats.
MinPro Sustain 300
MinPro Sustain 300 is designed as a supplement for ruminants on poor quality pasture, and will sustain cattle and sheep during tough times.
It has 11% protein and its low palatability ensures intake is self-regulated.
Recommended Intake: 300grams per day. Suitable for cattle, sheep and goats.
FeedPro 20 is a low cost ration designed to be used in conjunction with the MinPro range or as a supplementary feed in its own right. It is a more easily handled alternative for hay during the weaning process. Being grain based means it has medium to high palatably, so introduction feeding is necessary to prevent acidosis fatalities. It can also be used to introduce stock onto one of the MinPro supplements.
Recommended Intake: up to 3% of body weight, following a 28 day introduction period.
Suitable for cattle, sheep and goats.
To find out more about these products